- School District of Ashland
- Curriculum
- Standards and Outcomes
Learner Outcomes
Learner Outcomes are designed to let everyone know what the expectations are for each class in the Ashland School District. They answer the question: What will my child know when they complete a specific grade or class?
The Subject Area Committees have developed Learner Outcomes for most of the classes offered in the Ashland School District. These are fluid documents that may change as clarifications need to be made. There are a few high school classes that are still not available.
*Please note K – 12 Math and English Language Arts and 6 – 12 Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects will be changing over the next 3 years as the new Common Core Standards are put into practice.
Kindergarten thru 8th Grades 9th thru 12th Grades
Kindergarten Agriculture Classes
3rd Grade English Language Arts Classes
4th Grade Family & Consumer Science Classes
5th Grade Global Languages Classes
8th Grade Physical Education Classes
AMS Music - Orchestra Science Classes
AMS Music - Choral Social Studies Classes
AMS Music - Band Technical Education Classes
Common Core State Standards
Kindergarten thru 12th grades / ELA and Math
Common Core Standards State Initiative
Common Core English Language Arts (ELA) Standards
(includes Literacy Standards in History/Social Studies, Science & Technical Subjects)
ELA Appendix A - Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards
ELA Appendix B - Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks
Samples of Student Writing
Math Appendix
WI CCSS Literacy Standards Guidelines
ELA Common Core State Standards by Grade Level
Choose the strand area on the left side of screen and you will get drop down for each grade.
Math Common Core State Standards by Grade Level
Grade levels are listed on the left side of the screen.