- School District of Ashland
- Instruction
- Technology Resources
- Internet Safety
A Good Variety of Videos on Different Aspects of Internet Safety and Cyber Bullying
Get Wise Online Welcome to a unit on Internet topics that will enlighten anyone that goes online. This unit requires you to go through 5 steps in order to fully appreciate the online culture. As the world continues to embrace the Internet as part of their normal routine, it is imperative that they make good choices and contribute positively to their communities and the world for that matter.
Net Cetera: Chatting with Kids about Being Online OnGuard Online provides practical tips from the Federal Government and the technology community to help you guard against Internet fraud, secure your computers and protect your privacy. Order free booklets and bookmarks.
NetSmartz Workshop Keeping Kids and Teens Safer on the Internet
The Federal Bureau of Investigation - FBI Click on Internet Safety for Kids
National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids
Safe Kids.com Family guide to making the Internet and technology fun, safe and productive.
Stop Bullying National website created for students, teachers, and parents by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Get Net Wise About Internet Safety
Cyber Smart Education Free Curriculum and Professional Development
Cyberbullying.Org From the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use