• Ojibwe Language, Culture and History Resources: Internet Sites

    American Indians in Children’s Literature

    Critical perspectives of indigenous peoples in children’s books, the school curriculum, popular culture and society at large.

    Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council

    Paper on the Culture and Language of the Minnesota Ojibwe

    The Culture and Language of the Minnesota Ojibwe: An Introduction.

    Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission

    The Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) is an agency committed to the implementation of off-reservation treaty rights on behalf of its tribes.

     Cradleboard Teaching Project

    The Cradleboard Teaching Project turns on the lights in public education about Native American culture - past, present, and most important for the children - the Future.

     EDSITEment and National Endowment for the Humanities

    Anishinabe - Ojibwe - Chippewa: Culture of an Indian Nation: This lesson provides information and activities about one American Indian Nation, the Anishinabe, called Ojibwe in Canada and Chippewa in the U.S., and engages students in research on its history, location, and past and present culture.

    Indian Country Wisconsin (requires Google Chrome browser to access)

    Indian Country Wisconsin is a project of the Milwaukee Public Museum funded by Ameritech. It is designed primarily to assist teachers in meeting the requirements of Wisconsin Educational Act 31 which mandates kindergarten through grade 12 instruction in culture, history, sovereignty, and treaty rights of Wisconsin Indian tribes.

    Teaching Tolerance

    Founded in 1991 by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Teaching Tolerance is dedicated to reducing prejudice, improving intergroup relations and supporting equitable school experiences for our nation's children.We provide free educational materials to teachers and other school practitioners in the U.S. and abroad.

     Native American Facts for Kids

    Resources on American Indians for Children and Teachers

    Welcome to Native Languages of the Americas! We are a non-profit organization working to preserve and promote American Indian languages. This "Facts For Kids" section was designed to provide simple online information about American Indians in an easy-to-read question and answer format.

    Native Web

    NativeWeb is an international, nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to using telecommunications including computer technology and the Internet to disseminate information from and about indigenous nations, peoples, and organizations around the world; to foster communication between native and non-native peoples; to conduct research involving indigenous peoples' usage of technology and the Internet; and to provide resources, mentoring, and services to facilitate indigenous peoples' use of this technology.