Club de Espanol

  • The purpose of Spanish Club is to provide educational opportunities outside of the classroom for those interested in the Spanish language and culture. The club is open to all students enrolled in AHS.

    Club activities are not limited to but include; competing in the Concurso Oral (Spanish pronunciation contest) and postcard contest, organizing Spanish language movie nights, speakers, dinners, conversation tables, trips to Concordia Language Villages, and fundraisers like Sweeties.  The Ashland-Badajoz cultural exchange provides club members an opportunity to travel to  Spain as well as host an IES Rodríguez Moñino student from Spain every 3 years.  

    Dues are $3 annually and meetings are Wed. from 3:30-3:45 in room 350.  Members must join the Google Classroom.

    GRADES: 9-12

    LENGTH OF SEASON: School year

    ADVISOR: Gretchen Burke →