- Co-Curricular
- Native American Club
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Native American Club
The Native American Club is open to ALL students as AHS, regardless of age, race or gender. The primary purpose of our club is to provide culturally relevant activities and events for its members. The secondary purpose is to provide students with community service based activities and events that will reflect positively on job, college, and scholarship applications. We elect the following officers: President, Vice President, Jr. Member, Sr. Member, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sgt. at Arms.
Past Events/Activities:
- Haunted House in Bad River
- Elementary School Pow-Wow support staff
- Read Aloud at the Bad River Head Start
- Ricing
- Drumming
- Concession Booths at various athletic events
- College Campus Visits
- Field Trips to Minneapolis
- Community Service Projects
- Middle School Transition Program
- Native Youth Newsletter
- AHS Pow-wow
GRADES: 9-12
ADVISOR: Joe Corbine → jcorbine@sdak12.net